Easter eggs on JeremiahLee.com

Rainbow easter egg in front of lavender curtain sitting upright on a wood floor

The devil is in the details. Here are some tiny decisions most people won’t notice, but brought me joy to include. Most recent easter eggs are at the top.


If you visit my website in a Chromium-based browser, many pages will show a fake advertisement for Firefox at the bottom of the page.

How to start a supportive LGBTQ+ employee resource group

View source to read the full truth.

The Republican Party’s Last Burp of Hope

The mouse cursor changes to the waiting/loading cursor when hovering over the 5 stars at the bottom of the article. Each star represents a US territory that could became a full state. No taxation without representation. Pack the Senate. I believe Democrats should adopt a 55 state strategy.

Move away and fix things (Delete Facebook)

The design of this post was a near pixel perfect recreation of the Facebook Web app at the time.

The background images used in the "posts" were actual post background options from Facebook.

Each "posts" was "liked" by amusing groups. Jezebel, Salome, and Delilah are notable rejects in the Bible. The comments are from NPR journalists. The copyright notice post is liked by Larry Lessig, one of the founders of Creative Commons.

Spotify’s Failed #SquadGoals

The article title is inspired by the 2015 cultural phrase squad goals and the weird usage of the word squad to mean team in the Spotify organizational model.

The cover illustration features a photo of Spotify’s Birger Jarlsgatan headquarters in Stockholm. The women are Taylor Swift and her song-described squad from her music video Bad Blood. Taylor Swift and Spotify have had a troubled relationship.

The font used is the closest free version to Spotify’s brand font I could find. The colors are actual Spotify brand colors.

Spotify used duotone photos in much of its 2010s marketing, so I put the “speak no evil” monkey emoji in duotone.

The quote boxes were inspired by the Spotify 2019 Wrapped campaign design.

The orange and pink spikey background was inspired by the header on Spotify’s public relations website.

Article link preview image generated with DALL·E by OpenAI with prompt “3D iridescent easter egg in a lavender room”.